The Kim Gu (김구) Memorial Statue in Baekbeom Square (백범광장), Namsan Park (남산공원), Seoul (서울).
Kim Gu campaigned for Korea's independence during the Japanese occupation from 1910 to 1945, and after that, for the reunification of Korea. He was a member of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea (대한민국 임시정부) in Shanghai, and became its president in 1927.
After the Japanese occupation ended in 1945, Kim Gu refused to take part in forming a government in South Korea, believing that it would cause North Korea to also form its own government, and possibly cause a civil war. He instead led a group of former independence activists to Pyongyang in North Korea to hold unification talks with Kim Il-sung (김일성), but these talks failed and Kim Gu's fears became reality.
Kim Gu was assasinated in 1949, his murder is thought by many to have been orchestrated by then president Lee Seung Man (이승만) (also known as Syngman Rhee), though there is no evidence to support this theory. Kim was posthumously awarded the Medal of Order of Merit for National Foundation (건국훈장; 建國勳章), the most prestigious civil decoration in the Republic of Korea.
First published in 1947, Kim Gu's autobiography, Journal of Baekbeom (백범일지), is a popular book in South Korea. The book was written under his pen name Baekbeom (백범), which means 'ordinary person', and is considered an important source of information on the Korean Independence Movement.
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