Kodak Aerochrome / EIR style photo looking along a track by the edge of a ploughed field, near East Farndon, England. The photo is produced by capturing a combination of infrared, red, and green light, and then remapping these colours to display as red, green, and blue respectively.
Plants reflect infrared light quite strongly, which results in the grass track, hedge, and trees appearing a bright red colour in the image. The sky, on the other hand, reflects relatively little infrared light. This makes the sky appear quite dark, contrasting against the bright cumulus clouds travelling across it.
RAW Converted to DNG using linear demosaic
Cornerfix used to remove vignetting & IR hot spot from image
WB adjusted in ACR
Vignette added in ACR
Channel Mixer used to modify colours in PS CC
Curves adjustment to increase contrast in PS CC