The path across Farndon Fields in Market Harborough, Leicestershire, England. Farndon Fields is currently under development, with a number of homes being built on the site.
The path in this area of Farndon Fields has been fenced off, and is clearly labelled with an 'ATH' sign.
NEFs converted with -0.3 exposure compensation in CNX2
Images (except handheld nadir and EV-2 images) stitched, blended, and exposure fused in PTGUI 9 Pro
Handheld nadir and EV-2 images stitched in PTGUI 9 Pro
EV-1, EV-1, EV+1, and exposure fused images blended for exposure in PS CS5
nadir patched in PS CS5
Lens flare mostly cloned out in PS CS5
Tripod shadow cloned out in PS CS5
LCE selectively applied in PS CS5