360° panorama of the sunset over a field of wheat between Market Harborough and East Farndon, Leicestershire, UK.
In the UK around 15 million tonnes of wheat is harvested annually, at a rate of approximately 8 tonnes per hectare.
From Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheat):
Wheat (Triticum spp.) is a grass, originally from the Fertile Crescent region of the Near East, but now cultivated worldwide. In 2007 world production of wheat was 607 million tons, making it the third most-produced cereal after maize (784 million tons) and rice (651 million tons). Globally, wheat is the leading source of vegetable protein in human food, having a higher protein content than either maize (corn) or rice, the other major cereals. In terms of total production tonnages used for food, it is currently second to rice as the main human food crop, and ahead of maize, after allowing for maize's more extensive use in animal feeds.
NEFs converted in CNX2 with -0.3 exposure compensation
Images (except handheld nadir images) stitched, blended, and exposure fused in PTGUI 9 Pro
Handheld nadir images stitched and remapped to equirectangular projection in PTGUI 9 Pro
EV-1, EV0, EV+1 images blended for exposure in PS CS5
Nadir patched in PS CS5
Lens flare cloned out in PS CS5
Tripod shadow cloned out in PS CS5
Curves adjustment in soft light blend mode applied to EV+1 images
LCE selectively applied in PS CS5