360° panorama of Lubenham Road in East Farndon, Northamptonshire, UK. The narrow road connects the village of East Farndon to Lubenham while bypassing the town of Market Harborough.
NEFs converted with -0.3 exposure compensation in CNX2
Images (except offset nadir shots and EV-2 image) stitched, blended and exposure fused in PTGUI 9 Pro
Offset nadir shots and EV-2 image stitched and remapped to equirectangular projection in PTGUI 9 Pro
EV-2, EV-1, EV0, and EV+1 images blended for exposure in PS CS5
Nadir patched in PS CS5
Super Cubic plugin and content aware fill used in PS CS5 to patch small section of nadir
LCE applied in PS CS5