360 panorama looking through the gateway between two fields to the east of East Farndon, Northamptonshire, UK as the sun sets in the distance.
NEFs converted in CNX2 with -0.3 exposure compensation
Images (except handheld nadir images) stitched, blended, and exposure fused in PTGUI 8 Pro
Handheld nadir images stitched and remapped to equirectangular projection in PTGUI 8 Pro
EV-1, EV+1, and exposure fused images blended for exposure in PS CS5 using Topaz Remask for some of the masking
Curves adjustment in soft light blend mode applied at low opacity to EV+1 image to darken and add contrast
Tripod shadow and lens flare cloned out in PS CS5
LCE selectively applied in PS CS5