How to add some ‘pop’ to a flat photo using Capture NX 2

July 1st, 2010

How to add pop to a flat or low contrast image using Capture NX 2. This tutorial specifically focuses on a landscape image, particularly enhancing the clouds. [...]

Backup for photographers

June 20th, 2010

A brief overview of different backup solutions for digital photographers, covering the benefits and drawbacks of each method. [...]

MT-24EX Macro Flash Diffusers comparison

June 7th, 2010

A comparison of different home-made diffusers for the Canon MT-24EX Macro Twin Flash when being used with the Canon MP-E 65mm/2.8 lens. Includes photos of the diffusers and how well they work. [...]

Blooming/glow around brighter areas

February 26th, 2010

How to prevent blooming/blur/glow/halos in photos that are caused by shooting a lens wide open. Hint: stop the lens down. Example photos of the problem included. [...]

Non Destructive Dodging & Burning in Photoshop and Capture NX

January 2nd, 2010

Dodging and burning is the process of selectively brightening and darking areas of an image. In this post I cover the basics of Dodging and Burning, and how to Dodge and Burn an image non-destructively, both in Adobe Photoshop and Nikon Capture NX. [...]

Exposure blending to increase the dynamic range of an image

December 7th, 2009

A step by step tutorial on processing a set of bracketed exposures into one image using exposure blending in Adobe Photoshop. No High Dynamic Range (HDR) software is required. The technique is very useful for fixing images with blown out skies or clouds, or images where the landscape is dark and underexposed. The tutorial is based on a video, and goes through the full process of creating the image from start to finish. [...]

Why I always use Auto-Bracketing

December 7th, 2009

How using the Auto Bracketing function on your digital camera to bracket exposures can improve your Landscape Photography. Includes a brief overview of auto exposure, and the benefits and disadvantages of Auto Bracketing (Exposure Bracketing). [...]