Custom White Balance Images for the Canon R5

December 16th, 2024

A guide for creating custom White Balance images for the Canon R5 (and possibly other Canon cameras) where you can easily identify the intended White Balance of the image from the thumbnail. Mainly useful when using different filters that require different white balances. [...]

Colour Infrared Filters for Video

November 2nd, 2024

A look at using in-camera white balance for infrared video with various infrared + visible light mix filters. Also looking at various hue shifts and channel swaps to see if the same effects can be achieved as in stills. [...]

Storing / organising photography gear

December 6th, 2017

Explanation of how I store and organise the various photographic equipment I use, covering lenses, cameras, lighting gear, batteries, filters, and more. [...]

Converting a cheap umbrella softbox into a stripbox

January 6th, 2016

How to take a cheap umbrella softbox and turn it into a stripbox by using it with the umbrella only part-only. [...]

Low cost, size, and weight panorama head / plate

December 19th, 2015

A low cost, low weight, small size DIY panorama head / panorama plate solution for cylindrical and partial panoramas. [...]

UV Panoramas

September 28th, 2015

Discussion on the difficulties in taking 360° panoramas using ultraviolet light only, and links to a couple of example UV panos. [...]

Long Exposure IR Photography

May 15th, 2015

How to take long exposure infrared photos using an unconverted camera or a converted camera with neutral density filters. [...]

Infrared photography – Unconverted vs Converted camera with different IR filters comparison

April 12th, 2015

Comparison between an infrared converted camera and a standard unconverted camera for infrared photography, looking at a variety of infrared filters. [...]

Corrupted images

February 24th, 2015

Examples of various different types of corrupted images I found in my backup (PSDs, NEFs, CR2s), and the importance of validating your backups. [...]

Why IR Photography is the antithesis of ‘normal’ photography

February 14th, 2015

How the best lighting conditions for normal photography are usually bad for infrared photography, and vice versa. [...]